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Test results

If your doctor has requested that you have some test they will make a plan with you about what to do next. If you have not been given a plan please ask for one to help you manage your problem effectively.

We will contact you directly if the doctor has requested some further action following the results.

It is still advised that you make contact with the surgery to find out your results to ensure that nothing is missed.

Frequently asked questions regarding tests

When will my results come back?

Most routine blood test will take 3 days. The following blood tests will take longer:

  • Diabetes blood test (Hba1c) – 1 week
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis blood test – 1 week
  • Coeliac blood test (endomyssial antibody) – 2 weeks
  • Vitamin D blood test – 3 weeks

Other tests will take:

TestTime for result
Chest x-ray10 days
Ultrasound scan10 days
Helicobacter breath test1 week
Urine sample1 week
Sputum sample1 week
Stool sample1 week
Skin scrapingUp to 3 months
Nail clippingsUp to 3 months
Vaginal swab testUp to 2 week
Smear testUp to 2 weeks
24 hour blood pressure monitor3 days
Home blood pressure3 days

How can I get my test results?

You can get your test results by:

  • Calling the surgery on 020 7373 6557 after 11am
  • Checking your online record

Why have I been asked to have a repeat test?

If a doctor asks you to have a repeat test it is usually because:

  • The result was borderline or equivacal – so the doctor wants another sample to monitor the situation or to re-check
  • The result is abnormal – and the doctor is unable to interpret the result without further tests so has asked you to come in for more test.

Please do not worry if the doctor has asked you for a repeat test, if there is a serious problem then the doctor will speak or request to see you directly.

Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 29 October 2024